
Kiss While Your Lips Are Still Red - Night Wish

This is a special present by a person who spent a sleepless night translating.

When your lips are still red


Sweet little words made for silence not talk

Young heart for love not heartache

Dark hair for catching the wind

Not to veil the sight of a cold world

Những lời ngọt ngào nhất đâu phải là những lời được thốt ra.

Tận sâu từ trong trái tim, tình yêu vẫn luôn cất nhịp đập.

Tận sâu từ trong trái tim, luôn có chỗ cho sự yên bình của tâm hồn.

Anh thích cái chất giọng của gã Marco này. Nhẹ nhàng và dữ dội. Mạnh mẽ và mong manh. Có cái gì đó từ những lời tâm tình của gã làm anh phải chăm chú lắng nghe.

Kiss while your lips are still red

While he's still silent

Rest while bosom is still untouched, unveiled

Hold another hand while the hand's still without a tool

Drown into eyes while they're still blind

Love while the night still hides the withering dawn

Hãy hôn khi đôi môi vẫn còn đỏ thắm

Khi gã trai vẫn chìm trong giấc ngủ say

Khi ngực trần vẫn phập phồng hơi thở

Hãy nắm tay khi đôi tay vẫn còn nắm chắc

Hãy chìm đắm vào trong đôi mắt sáng

Hãy yêu khi màn đêm vẫn che phủ ánh bình minh sắp hé

Em vẫn thường bảo anh, sao lại thích nghe cái loại nhạc gào rú, chẳng cảm xúc gì. Hãy lắng nghe và em sẽ thấy. Không có những tiếng guitar trầm ấm rít lên đơn độc. Không có những tiếng trống đảo phách lúc khoan lúc nhặt. Hãy lắng nghe và em sẽ nghe thấy những phím piano tròn trịa và sâu lắng; tiếng violon lảnh lót và da diết. Nhưng nó không hề làm mềm đi sự mạnh mẽ của rock. Đâu phải gào rú để mới chứng tỏ sự mạnh mẽ. Đâu cần phải nói ra mới chứng tỏ là mình yêu.

First day of love never comes back

A passionate hour's never a wasted one

The violin, the poet's hand

Every thawing heart plays your theme with care

Buổi ban đầu trôi đi rất vội

Giây phút đam mê chẳng thể là hoài phí

Tiếng vĩ cầm, bài thơ trao tay

Từng nhịp đập con tim tấu lên giai điệu yêu thương

Bản nhạc có bắt đầu rồi cũng phải kết thúc. Dù đó là bản nhạc ca ngợi về tình yêu. Nhưng anh thích cái cách bản nhạc này kết thúc. Tiếng violon lại trỗi lên réo rắt, mạnh mẽ hơn như nâng đỡ cho giai điệu yêu thương. Giai điệu yêu thương có khi nào là kết thúc?


How Rich People Think

Guest Author Blog by: Steve Siebold, Author, How Rich People Think

We’ve all dreamed about having enough money to do what we want when we want, but for most people this dream never becomes a reality. It’s not easy to become rich, but it’s also not as hard as people might think. If you want to become a millionaire you must first learn to think like one.

One of the biggest distinctions between the rich and the middle class is the differences in thinking about money.

The middle class operates from a fear based consciousness, always worrying about the uncertainty of the future and therefore trying to protect and hoard their money. Rich people, on the other hand, operate from a mindset of freedom and abundance. Saving and investing is important to them, but they direct their mental energy toward accumulating wealth through serving people and solving problems. They know that the secret to becoming a millionaire isn’t in the mechanics of the money, but in the level of thinking that generates it.

The beliefs and philosophies about money between the rich and the middle class aren’t just different, they’re extreme!

Here is just a few that really standout:

  • Middle class focuses on saving. World class focuses on earning.
  • Middle class believes hard work creates wealth. World class believes leverage creates wealth.
  • Middle class believes money is earned through labor. World class believes money is earned through thought.
  • Middle class worries about running out of money. World class thinks about how to make more money.
  • Middle class sees money through the eyes of emotion. World class sees money through the eyes of logic.
  • Middle class believes getting rich is outside their control. World class knows getting rich is an inside job.
  • Middle class has a lottery mentality. World class has an action mentality
  • Middle class is waiting to be rescued from financial mediocrity. World class knows no one is coming to the rescue.
  • Middle class equates money with stress. World class equates money with peace of mind.

If you haven’t reached the goal of financial freedom yet, there’s good news. In the next five years, more self-made millionaires will emerge than in any other time in history. The economy is in such turmoil right now that it’s full of endless opportunities for those who are creative enough to find the solutions to the many problems that exist.

How to Get Rich

If you want to be rich, study how rich people think about money and follow their lead. Study how average people think so you can avoid falling into the same trap. Associate with the rich through books, audio programs, video programs, seminars, charity events, art auctions, country clubs, etc. Consciousness is contagious. Exposure to their level of thinking about money will permeate your consciousness.

Create a written vision for your life five years down the road. If you could do anything you wanted to do and live any way you wanted to live, what would that look like? What would it feel like? Start training yourself to dream big and ignore the naysayers who laugh at you and call you crazy.

Someday they’ll be asking you for a job.

Force yourself to grow up emotionally, get mentally tough and overcome any addiction you have to the approval of other people. When you’re broke and chasing what the masses see as a “pie in the sky,” many of them will discourage you and plead with you to be realistic. Keep in mind that the concept of “Realism” is subjective. One person’s idea of realism is earning $50,000 per year and another’s is earning $500,000.

Learn to let go of the middle-class thinking of the masses, while simultaneously learning to embrace how rich people think. In a matter of months your entire perspective will begin to shift, and you’ll begin seeing the world through the eyes of millionaires.

"In the next five years, more self-made millionaires will emerge than in any other time in history."

Steve Siebold
Author, How Rich People Think

It’s not intelligence or education that holds back the average person from getting rich. It’s the middle-class beliefs about money that keeps them struggling to survive in a world of abundance.

Regardless of your IQ score or what the highest level of education you completed is, everyone has the potential to become rich.

If you’re rich, keep thinking the way you’re thinking. If not, maybe it’s time for a change.

Source: http://www.cnbc.com/id/39080589/